Organizer: Voice Talent Online
Prize type: Cash
Region: Global
Eligibility: Phd, Master Students, Bachelor Students
Deadline: 2024-01-31
Prize: Our annual Scholarship Competitions invite academically outstanding students to compete for one of our three monetary prizes equal to a combined amount of USD $3,000!
Our annual Scholarship Competitions invite academically outstanding students to compete for one of our three monetary prizes equal to a combined amount of USD $3,000! Our purpose is to help students at least a little bit with those annoying costs related to studying, such as books, rent, transport and so on.
This year’s themes are…“Top Five Tips for Voice Overs” “Voice Talent in Video Gaming: Golden Age or Obsolete?” “Auto-Captions in Video Translations: Helpful or Hurtful?”
How to Apply?
Write a blog article!
Post it to a blog web site (eg. wix, blogger, wordpress, as an article on linkedin, or on any other site).
Enter the competition (and tell us where you posted your article!)
This year’s themes are…
“Top Five Tips for Voice Overs”
“Voice Talent in Video Gaming: Golden Age or Obsolete?”
“Auto-Captions in Video Translations: Helpful or Hurtful?”
Your work should respond to the theme, implicitly or explicitly, but we’re looking for quality writing first and foremost. The following titles are suggestions. Feel free to adapt each a little but stay on the same theme!
Why not enter all three blog competitions?
For full details on how to apply, click [Scholarship #1: “Voice Over”]
For full details on how to apply, click [Scholarship #2: “Voice Talent”]
For full details on how to apply, click [Scholarship #3: “Video Translation”]
Example Blog Post
Here is an example of an acceptable blog post. Please pay attention to the incorporation of the hyper-text link!
Example Blog Website ( (URL blog post looks like this:
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