Greetings, Future Accountants and Fellow Business Enthusiasts
Indonesia Accounting Fair is one of the biggest and oldest accounting events. Now IAF is back in its 25th year and is organized by accounting students of The Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Indonesia.
Registration is now open for the Accounting Competition and the Business Case Competition. Don't miss out on the chance to reach your full potential and win tens of thousands of dollars!
Registration Form:
Business Case Competition:
Normal Registration: 21 November 2023 - 15 December 2023
Preliminary Round Case Distribution: 22 December 2023
Preliminary Round Paper Submission: 10 January 2024
If you still have any questions regarding our events, please kindly contact us:
Annisa Rahmahdiirina
-Line: hq.diirina91
-Whatsapp: +6281382701388
Satryo Athallah Putra
-Line: satryoatpu
-Whatsapp: +6287776648807
Stay in touch with our latest information and updates by following our social media:
Instagram: @iaffebui
Twitter: @iaffebui
Tiktok: @iaffebui
LINE Official: @iaffebui
FB / LinkedIn: Indonesia Accounting Fair FEB UI
The 25th IAF
Sistem ini meliputi Sistem Alumni, Pencarian Lowongan Kerja Dan Pengajuan Beasiswa.
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