ART Street Regular Illustration Contest (Colorful)

30 November 2023, 5:00 pm (Japan Standard Time)

Who may enter
The competition is open to anyone.

Short description
The contest is organized by MediBang, a Japanese company headquartered in Tokyo.

This time we are calling for illustrations on the theme of "Colorful"!

Show us your masterpieces with your own intention of what color and what art world you want to depict!!

We are waiting for your illustration entries!

You may submit as many illustrations as you like.

Entry fees
The competition is free to enter.


  • Grand Prize: 50,000 JPY
  • Excellence Award: 10,000 JPY
  • Vivid Color Award: 10,000 JPY
  • Pastel Color Award: 10,000 JPY
  • Monochromatic Color Award: 10,000 JPY
  • Colorful Characters Award: 10,000 JPY
  • Colorful Backgrounds Award: 10,000 JPY

Competition website
For further information visit the official competition website.

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