We are the committee of entrepreneur days 7.0 from University of Darussalam Gontor will be hold an activity "International Business Case Competition" which refers to the idea of solving the problems of a company, which opens opportunities for university students from all parts of the world.
Registration (18th – 30th of November 2023)
The nominal payment of registration is:
- IDR 50.000,- (for National Students)
- RM 30,- / USD 10,- (for International Students)
{ Please include proof of payment when filling in the link of registration form}
Place: University of Darussalam Gontor, Indonesia
- 1st Winner : E-Certificate + Trophy + Cash Reward
- 2nd Winner : E-Certificate + Trophy + Cash Reward
- 3rd Winner : E-Certificate + Trophy + Cash Reward
- 1st RunnerUp : E-Certificate + Trophy
- 2nd RunnerUp: E-Certificate + Trophy
And E-Certificate for all participants of IBCC 2024
"Successful business is not about having a perfect plan, but about engaging in perfect action.” – Bob Parsons
Very Interesting isn't it
Let's join us!
Registration link:
Guidebook link:
18th – 30th of November 2023
Paper Submission:
8th – 15th of December 2023
More Information:
Instagram: @entrepreneur_days24
Mr. Daniel: 0813-3339-7406
Mr. Ihsan: 0812-1839-4414
Sistem ini meliputi Sistem Alumni, Pencarian Lowongan Kerja Dan Pengajuan Beasiswa.
Login dan password yang digunakan adalah yang login yang digunakan di akses sistem akademik Untag Surabaya (sim.untag-sby.ac.id). Hal tersebut berlaku juga untuk para alumni yang telah terdaftar di Untag Surabaya
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