16 January 2024
Who may enter
The competition is open to anyone.
Short description
The International Poster Triennial in Toyama is organised by the Toyama Prefectural Museum of Art and Design, Japan.
“ This exhibition of posters chosen from throughout the world is intended to provide a review of the current state of international poster design.
There are three categories:
• A - printed posters on any theme.
• B - printed posters on the theme of THINK. The poster must include the word “Think” followed by a single word of the applicant’s choosing.
• U30+Student Category - digital poster on the theme of THINK.
This category is open to applicants aged 30 or under, as well as students of any age.
Entry fees
The competition is free to enter.
• Grand Prix (one winner): 1,000,000 yen
• Gold Prize (two winners): 500,000 yen
• Silver Prize (three winners): 300,000 yen
• Bronze Prize (eight winners): 100,000 yen
U30?Student Category:
• Gold Prize (one winner): 200,000 yen
• Silver Prize (three winners): 50,000 yen
Competition website
For further information visit the official competition website.
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