Marine Icon 2024 (The Marine International MUN)

Marine Icon 2024

Dive into the excitement!
Marine Icon Competition registration is still open. Secure your spot for an unforgettable journey. 3 challenging competitions still awaiting you!

Dive into the world of maritime diplomacy at the Marine International MUN! 
Explore topics from sustainable fisheries to over tourism in coastal destinations. Special and attractive prizes are waiting for you with a total value of Rp. 8,000,000.

Join our Offline Councils and immerse yourself in vibrant discussions onsite!
FAO : Sustainable Management of Small-Scale Fisheries in Coastal Communities
ASEAN : Development of Maritime Integrity and Inclusive Growth

Or participate in our Online Councils where you can connect virtually with delegates worldwide!
PIF : Addressing Climate Crisis Effects on Pacific Island Livelihood
UNWTO : Overtourism in Coastal Destinations

For more information and to register, visit:

Unlock the journey with our Guidebook!
Your roadmap to success awaits, providing insights, tips, and all you need to navigate through the competition. Ready to embark on this adventure

Stay tuned to Our social medias for more details!
Instagram : @marineicon
Tiktok : Marineicon2024
Linkedin : Marine Icon


Sistem ini meliputi Sistem Alumni, Pencarian Lowongan Kerja Dan Pengajuan Beasiswa.

  1. Login dan password yang digunakan adalah yang login yang digunakan di akses sistem akademik Untag Surabaya ( Hal tersebut berlaku juga untuk para alumni yang telah terdaftar di Untag Surabaya