16 April 2024, 14:00 GMT
Who may enter
The competition is open to anyone over the age of 18.
Short description
The competition is organized by Casa África Consortium.
“ Casa África launches the tenth edition of Purorrelato, its micro-story contest.
The theme is free, although the micro-stories should be related to Africa in some way. The story could take place inside or outside the continent and its degree of relation with Africa could range from a detail to the total protagonism of the story.
The micro-stories could be submitted in Spanish, English, French or Portugueses, with a maximum length of 1500 characters including spaces and excluding the title.
Entries must not have been previously published.
Entry fee
The competition is free to enter.
• 1st Prize: 750 €
• 2nd Prize: 375 €
• 3rd Prize: 225 €
Competition website
For further information visit the official competition website.
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