Entry is open now for The Climate Creatives Challenge – Challenge #04:’Coastal Change’ 2024!
The Climate Creatives Challenge is a global initiative serving as a catalyst for innovation in climate communication. This includes a biannual international design competition, supporting new and novel approaches for communicating the impacts of climate change and the benefits of mitigation, adaptation and resilience.
The theme for Challenge #04 is “COASTAL CHANGE” For challenge #04 Climate Creatives Challenge is asking: ‘How can we communicate the impacts of climate change on coastal zones and the benefits of adaptation and resilience?’
To encourage different types of creative communication, we accept a broad range of types of entry submission, including;
The judges were looking for entrants to;
Explore ways for communicating the topic that go beyond the traditional bounds / formats in which it’s typically represented.
Share ‘place’ based narratives that link to / showcase contextual stories and experiences.
Consider how your entry to the challenge could connect with people and/or organisations that aren’t necessarily aware or engaged with this topic.
Not just focus on the hazard, but also show actions that can be taken for adaptation and to change the consequences endured.
Please note that to keep the scope of the challenge broad (as it’s a problem that needs to be addressed from many perspectives and with different stakeholders) Climate Creatives Challenge have left it open to entrants to define the particular ‘audience’ their work is addressing (the general public, policy makers etc.). During the submission process there is a place for text to be added to describe the piece being submitted. Climate Creatives Challenge would recommend that at that stage that you give some context as to the audience your entry is aimed towards.
The judges reviewed entries with consideration of;
The strength of the concept itself (in answering the question that has been posed)
The clarity and creativity by which the idea is communicated / represented
Results will be announced on the 2nd February 2024.
The prizes for this challenge are as follows;
1st place = £1000
2nd place = £750
3rd place = £500
+ 20 commendations of £250 each
Note: Prizes are in British Pound Sterling (GBP)
The competition is open to a global audience, except for judges of the challenge.
The challenge is open to people of all disciplines and creative backgrounds, including; Designers, filmmakers, architects, programmers, engineers, musicians, writers, sculptors, illustrators, storytellers, scientists, marine biologists, ecologists, DATA visualisers, geographers, Social scientists, environmentalists …essentially anyone with a creative concept that can help communicate this theme.
You don’t have to be a professional or in a team.
Eligible Regions: Open for All.
This could be a sketch, painting, visualisation/render, infographic or other type of illustration.
A maximum of 3 files can be submitted as part of your entry.
Maximum file size: 50MB (per image)
Minimum image resolution: 200dpi
Minimum image dimensions: 120mm x 120mm
File formats accepted; .png, jpeg, .jpg, .ai, .pdf
You might have captured a picture or series of photos that address the theme of the challenge.
A maximum of 3 files can be submitted as part of your entry.
Maximum file size: 50MB (per image)
Minimum image resolution: 200dpi
Minimum image dimensions: 120mm x 120mm
File formats accepted; .png, jpeg, .jpg, .ai, .pdf
It could be a short film or animation.
Maximum duration: 4 minutes
Maximum file size: 100MB (per video)
Video ratios accepted: 21:9 / 16:9 / 4:3 / 1:1 / 9:16
Minimum resolution: 1080p
File formats accepted; .mov, .mp4, .mpeg, mpeg4, .avi
It may be a song or sound you’ve written / recorded.
Maximum duration: 4 minutes
Maximum file size: 75MB (per track)
File formats accepted; .mp4, .wmv, .wma
It could be a poem or piece of prose you’ve written and want to share.
Maximum word count: 500 words
Maximum file size: 50MB (per document)
File formats accepted; .pdf, .doc, .docx (word), .csv
It may be you’ve made a sculpture or model.
Please note, physical objects will need to be recorded photographically and comply with the requirements for that format which are listed above.
There is scope for winning/commended sculptural entries to be showcased in person at the exhibition.
Official Link Climate Creative: https://www.climatecreativeschallenge.com/
Application Deadline: January 13, 2024 (26 Days Remaining)
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