Tiny House 2023 Architecture Competition

Volume Zero invites each one of you to participate in the 22nd edition of our architectural competitions and the 4th edition of Tiny House Architecture Competition. This year’s Tiny House aims to celebrate individuality, reimagine sustainability and to exalt simple, innovative yet resourceful living. The Tiny House Movement is also a platform that not only explores the avenues of ‘mobile’ or ‘Off the Grid’ Living spaces but also the freedom and independence they would offer. Come be a part of this movement; join a new wave of habitat designers!

A Home is a space that is intimate to all of us. It goes beyond an everyday function of being a physical shelter for people and their activities; a home connects with its users at a personal and emotional level.

Our humble abodes are being redefined with every passing day. The world is changing constantly, and along with it, our homes are seeing us spend more time within them. The built form of a home is evolving rapidly, its design adapting to various other needs that were not limited to this space before. Homes today are versatile entities – doubling up as offices, play areas, work-out zones, spaces for interaction, recreation and also being an abode for our furry friends and providing for their needs. A space that is transformative, multi-functional, and ever evolving to adapt to us and our loved ones. A Home is no longer just a place you live in but is a place that lives with you. Our world is changing at a pace unheard of ever before with events unfolding across the globe and Human race witnessing advancements across all arenas of life.

As our needs are evolving, so are the house designs. Designing outside of the box has become increasingly important as focus is shifting to climatic responsibility, decreasing land availability and economic feasibility. It is inevitable today to utilize space efficiently and effectively that not only fulfills our needs and anticipates our desires but also moves the world towards sustainability. The Tiny House Movement, once again, celebrates the concept of simple yet resourceful living. The homes can be designed to re-imagine sustainability through the concept of maximum usable space in a minimum footprint.


Participants are to design a Tiny House for 2 people that would provide a comfortable living space. The design of the Tiny House should be innovative and creative with a sustainable edge. The area of the proposed Tiny House should not exceed 300 sq. ft., where mobility is a vital factor. The house need not have the ability to transfer itself from place to place; it could be treated as a unit or an assembly of units that can be towed/moved easily by a car or a pickup truck. However, the participants can avoid the issue of mobility altogether by choosing a permanent site and providing a strong justification for the same. The relation between the exterior surroundings and the interior spaces must be taken into consideration in cases of both fixed and changeable sites. The proposed design should be well-conceptualized and is required to be off the grid as much as possible.

Category: Design/Architecture

Prize type: Other award

Region: Global

Eligibility: Open to everyone

Deadline: 2024-01-14

Prize: Prizes of total USD 4500 broken down as follows: 1st Prize: USD 2000 2nd Prize: USD 1200 3rd Prize: USD 800 Student Award: USD 500

The Interior Spaces should include the following:

• Living Area
• Toilet space
• Sleeping Area for 2
• Workspace
• Cooking and Dining Area
• Recreational spaces
• Any other function that the participant wishes to add to habitat


The participants can choose a site according to their design proposals. The location can be either an urban or a rural area anywhere across the world. The design should be integrated well with the selected site and the selected site must strongly justify the design proposal. https://volumezerocompetitions.com/

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