TIPA Photo Contest 2023

15 January 2024

Who may enter
The competition is open to anyone.

Short description

The Technical Image Press Association (TIPA) awards the best photos of photographic equipment.

“Send us your best shot of photo gear, new or old, expensive or not, and enjoy other photographers" contributions with this, our premiere photo contest for 2023.

There are three categories:
• My camera and I
• My camera in action
• What's in my camera bag

Entry fees
The competition is free to enter.

• The overall winner will receive 1,500 €.
• Each of the category winners will receive 500 €.

Competition website
For further information visit the official competition website. https://site.picter.com/tipa-photo-contest-2023

Sistem ini meliputi Sistem Alumni, Pencarian Lowongan Kerja Dan Pengajuan Beasiswa.

  1. Login dan password yang digunakan adalah yang login yang digunakan di akses sistem akademik Untag Surabaya (sim.untag-sby.ac.id). Hal tersebut berlaku juga untuk para alumni yang telah terdaftar di Untag Surabaya