Your Poems
This competition is open to unpublished poems of any length, on any subject. Your £10 entry fee allows you to submit up to three poems.
1st: £2,000; 2nd: £500; 3rd: £250
Unpublished Poetry Prize for the best poem by a previously unpublished poet: £250.
The four winners, plus sixteen additional finalists will have their poems published in the March 2024 issue of Mslexia.
The deadline for all entries is 23.59GMT, 4 December 2023.
Entrants will be notified of the outcome of their entry in February 2024.
The winner and finalists will be announced on 1 March 2024.
How to Enter
Add the entry fee to your basket and proceed through the checkout (you will be asked to set up, or sign in to you Mslexia account during the process). Once the order is completed you'll be taken to a 'Submit' page where the entry form is located. You can submit at a later date by logging into your Mslexia online account and going to the 'competitions' tab.
Visit our Entry Instructions: for a more comprehensive guide on how to enter, and be sure to read our Rules before submitting.
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